Market Briefs

PBOR Market Brief - January 2023

March 2, 2023

As a service to the members of the Paulding Board of REALTORS®, we provide the monthly market statistics for Paulding County. This information is provided by FMLS. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback on the information provided.

Below you will find a link to the Paulding Board's January 2023 Market Report. The information is available on the group's Facebook page and can be shared via the page, or the link below can be copied and pasted to share directly via email or on other sites. Please help us promote the information by sharing it.

Highlights: (compared to 2022)

  • Total single family home sales: 159 (12.6% decrease)
  • Median sales price: $340,000 (2.6% increase)
  • Average sales price: $353,500 (1.7% increase)
  • Total active listings: 628 (92% increase)
  • New listings: 294 (2.4% increase)
  • Month’s Supply: 2.3 (125.1% increase)

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