Membership in the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® means being a part of state's largest and most active real estate association. Membership means continuing the more than 100 years of involvement in the development of the real estate industry and the Metro Atlanta area. Membership provides a purpose, vision and mission in the promotion and protection of the commercial real estate industry. It also provides a means for developing life-long affiliations, an outlet for community involvement and a means of defending private property rights. Nationally recognized, members of the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS® aim higher, gain more and make greater strides in both their business and personal endeavors.


A real estate agent is a REALTOR® when he or she becomes a member of the National Association of REALTORS® - the world's largest professional association. The term REALTOR® is a legally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. When joining the Atlanta REALTORS® Association, membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® is gained.

Read the REALTOR® Code of Ethics »

New Membership Options for 2025

In response to member feedback, ACBR is excited to introduce new membership options designed to better meet the needs of our diverse members and their companies. As a member of ACBR, you’ll benefit from timely industry information, legislative advocacy, professional development, prestigious recognition, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

Starting in 2025, ACBR will offer two primary membership categories:

ACBR Member

Annual Dues: $360.00
Designed for:
Members with an active Georgia real estate or appraiser license who want access to local-level benefits.
Benefits Include:

  • Eligibility for the Million Dollar Club and other awards programs.
  • Free local monthly education seminars and quarterly CE courses.
  • Numerous local networking opportunities throughout the year.
  • Access to commercial real estate industry forms.
  • Required for all licensees under a Managing Principal who is an ACBR Member (non-REALTOR®) type member.


Annual Dues: $599.00
Designed for:
Members with an active real estate or appraiser license who want local, state, and national-level benefits.
Benefits Include:

  • All the local-level benefits of ACBR membership.
  • Services and advocacy from the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
  • Required for all licensees under a Managing Principal or Designated REALTOR® who is an ACBR REALTOR® type member.


In order to join the Board, you will need to pay the prorated amount of your membership fees and an application fee. ACBR's, GAR's and NAR's fiscal cycles runs January 1 - December 31.

New ACBR REALTOR® members will pay a $60 application fee in addition to the annual fee listed below.

ACBR Member


Licensees with a Managing Principal who have an ACBR Member (non-REALTOR®) type membership and wish to gain access to local-level benefits.

This membership option does not include the REALTOR® designation and does not hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).




An Affiliate is an individual who does not hold an active real estate license but has an interest in the real estate profession and wishes to participate in ACBR.

Affiliate members do not hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).




Licensees with a Managing Principal who have an ACBR REALTOR® membership and who wish to gain access to local, state, and national-level benefits.

REALTORS® also hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).


Affiliate Associate


An Affiliate Associate is an individual employed by the same company as an ACBR Member Affiliate who also wishes to participate in ACBR.

Affiliate Associate members do not hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
